dengue mosquito facts and desies
Dengue(Aedes) Mosquito bites only during the day and it lays its eggs in clean, shady and stagnant water which is the best place for growing. These dengue mosquitoes have black and white strips on its body.medical fact is that Aedes mosquitoes that feed on blood are only female mosquitoes. Researchers explain the reason that the female mosquitoes require protein to produce eggs and they suck this protein from the blood. Gentle male mosquitoes feed on plant nectar only. A female Aedes mosquito lays about 300 eggs in a life span of 14 to 21 days on an average. Os transmissores de dengue, principalmente oAëdes aegypti, proliferam-se dentro ou nas proximidades de habitações (casas, apartamentos, hotéis), em recipientes onde se acumula água limpa (vasos de plantas, pneus velhos, cisternas etc.).