Wednesday, January 26, 2011

tiger salamander life cycle

tiger salamander
The California tiger salamander (Ambystoma californiense) is a vulnerable amphibian native to Northern California. Previously considered to be a Tiger Salamander subspecies, the California tiger salamander was recently designated a separate species again.The California tiger salamander depends on vernal pools for reproduction, its habitat is limited to the vicinity of large, fishless vernal pools or similar water bodies. It occurs at elevations up to 1000 m (3200 ft). Adults migrate at night from upland habitats to aquatic breeding sites during the first major rainfall events of fall and early winter and return to upland habitats after breeding.On August 4, 2004, the United States Fish and Wildlife Service listed the California tiger salamander as threatened within the Central Valley distinct population segment. The Santa Barbara and Sonoma County populations were returned to endangered status on August 19, 2005.
There are six populations, which are found in: (1) Sonoma County; (2) the Bay Area, (Stanislaus County, western Merced, and the majority of San Benito counties); (3) the Central Valley; (4) southern San Joaquin Valley (5) the Central Coast Range and 6) Santa Barbara County.
life cycle detals!!
Adults spend the majority of their lives underground, in burrows created by other animals such as ground squirrels and gophers. the salamanders themselves are poorly equipped for burrowing. Little is known about their underground life. This underground phase has often been referred to as estivation (the summertime equivalent of hibernation), but true estivation has never been observed, and fiber optic cameras in burrows have allowed researchers to witness salamanders actively foraging. Adults are known to eat earthworms. snails, insects, fish, and even small mammals.
but adult California tiger salamanders eat very little.
Breeding takes place after the first rains in late fall and early winter, when the wet season allows the salamanders to migrate to the nearest pond, a journey that may be as far as a mile and take several days. The eggs, which the female lays in small clusters or singly, hatch after some 10 to 14 days.
The larval period lasts for three to six months. However, California tiger salamander larvae may also "overwinter". Transformation for overwintering larvae may take 13 months or more. Recent discoveries, such as overwintering, have management implications for this threatened species, particularly when aquatic habitat under goes modification. The larvae feed on other small invertebrates, including tadpoles. When their pond dries, they resorb their gills, develop lungs, and then the metamorphs leave the pond in search of a burrow.

tiger salamander

tiger salamander
tiger salamander