Friday, January 7, 2011

pictures of moon bears

pictures of moon bears
As many as 9000 bears in China alone are kept in the tiny wired cages to prevent their movement to 'milked' for their bile. The catheter were inserted into the gall bladder abd they will be m'milked' for their bile. Half the amount of bears are said to die during the insertion of the catheter. Those that survive suffer from tumours, infections from open wounds, abscesses and hernias. The bile taken from the gall bladders of the living bears is used in Chinese traditional medicine for the treatment of ailments including stomach and digestive disorders and kidney problems.
pictures of moon bears
pictures of moon bears
pictures of moon bears
It is said that 80% of the saved Moon Bears are disabled. While watching this movie, it is really heart wrenching, my nose felt sour , but I just couldn't cry out. I could imagine these pain are so unbarable. If we need something from them, how could we treat them in such inhumane way? The technology are so good these days and many types of medicine have been invented to cure sickness without using the bear bile. There are many researches been done and about 45 or 54 types of other items could replace the bile such as Jasmine plant. So, why do we still need bear bile?
The helper in Animal Asia said that although the saved bears have gone through this, they are such a forgiving animal. If we human were to be treated this way and were freed 1 days, I guess we'll be taking revenge to get the person suffers the same for life.