Monday, November 8, 2010

chinese water dragon

In 2006 I wrote an article for Reptiles USA magazine! The annual issue came out at the beginning of August 2006 and it contained an article on the care of the Chinese Water dragon written by yours truly - Tricia P.

I also think it's high time this site got a make over so I plan on working on a major update and redesign over the next few months. Hopefully I'll have it finished soon.

Many of my regular readers and list members probably know that I've been sick for some time with Crohn's disease. I've been off work for the last 4 years due to my illness. I have many off days and I do not answer my e-mail as often as I used to in the past. So if you are not getting personal answers from me when you write to me about your pet reptile that is the reason why.

Tricia's Chinese water dragon, Reptile and Amphibian Care page is officially 14 years old! I started this website and the water dragon mailing this on December, 29th, 1995. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of the visitors to this site, and to my water dragon mailing list members.

With your help and your input this page has become a very popular Internet site for reptile and amphibian information. Thank You. I hope that you will continue to make regular visits to this site.
I've put many hours into this site in order to try to help reptile and amphibian keepers from all over the world. It sure is nice to know that there are that many reptile and amphibian lovers out there. :) Please take care of your animals and learn as much as you can about their care.