Monday, November 8, 2010

African puff adder snack

Gordon "Gordo" Fraley was born in Atlanta, Georgia. Large and strong but not very bright, Puff Adder is a mutant with the ability to inflate, or "puff," his body mass, enhancing his strength greatly, he is a dangerous adversary for several super heroes. He also has the power to breathe out toxic gas.

As a member of the fourth Serpent Squad, Puff Adder attempted to rob a Las Vegas casino, and battled Captain America, the Falcon, Nomad, and D-Man.[1] With the Serpent Squad, he was freed from jail by Sidewinder.[2] Puff Adder was inducted into the second incarnation of the Serpent Society as a double agent of the Viper during her invasion of the group. Puff Adder and the Viper's agents then betrayed Sidewinder, and encountered Captain America again.

Alongside Anaconda, Puff Adder served as bailiff at the Serpent Society's trial of Diamondback. With Anaconda and Rock Python, Puff Adder was sent to Diamondback's apartment to apprehend her. He battled Captain America and seemingly overpowered him.[5] Puff Adder crash-landed a Serpent Saucer on Diamondback's apartment. He abducted Diamondback, Asp, and Black Mamba. Rock Python and himself were thrown from the Serpent Saucer by MODAM, and Puff Adder was injured in the fall. He was interrogated by Captain America and Paladin about the abduction of Diamondback and her friends.

After a brief fight, both teams are overwhelmed with alien doubles of absolutely everyone involved. Out of necessity, the two teams work together to destroy wave after wave of doubles. After the last wave, Doctor Octopus wants his team to continue fighting but Puff Adder, along with the rest, turn on him. They do not want to hurt the others who just helped save their lives. The team chases Doctor Octopus out of the mansion.

He appeared in Brand New Day as one of the villains in the "Bar With No Name". He is one of many to get in on the super-hero related gambling action headed by the man known only as 'The Bookie'.[10]
His race varies from artist to artist. In his first appearance, he was depicted as Caucasian, but a few issues later, he is depicted as African American.