Thursday, December 30, 2010

cassowaryc birds pictures world beautifull and dengerous birds

Cassowaries (from the Malay name kesuari) are part of the ratite group, which also includes the Emu, rheas, ostriches, and kiwis, and the extinct moas and elephant birds. There are three extant species recognized today and one extinct:
Casuarius casuarius, Southern Cassowary or Double-wattled Cassowary, found in southern New Guinea, northeastern Australia, and the Aru Islands, mainly in lowlands.
Casuarius bennetti, Dwarf Cassowary or Bennett's Cassowary, found in New Guinea, New Britain, and on Yapen,mainly in highlands.
Casuarius unappendiculatus, Northern Cassowary or Single-wattled Cassowary, found in the northern and western New Guinea, and Yapen,mainly in lowlands.
Casuarius lydekki Extinct
Presently, most authorities consider the above monotypic, but several subspecies have been described of each (some have even been suggested as separate species, e.g., C. (b) papuanus).

cassowaryc birds pictures world beautifull and dengerous birds

cassowaryc birds pictures world beautifull and dengerous birds
cassowaryc birds pictures world beautifull and dengerous birds
Females are bigger and more brightly coloured. Adult Southern Cassowaries are 1.5 to 1.8 metres (59–71 in) tall, although some females may reach 2 metres (79 in) and weigh 58.5 kilograms (129 lb).
All cassowaries have feathers that consist of a shaft and loose barbules. They do not have retrices (tail feathers) or a preen gland. Cassowaries have small wings with 5-6 large remeges. These are reduced to stiff, keratinous quills, like porcupine quills, with no barbs. A claw is on each second finger. The furcula and coracoid are degenerate, and their palatal bones and sphenoid bones touch each other.

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dragon wallpapers and photos world dengerous animals

Sunday, December 26, 2010

clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings

clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
They are the most amazingly marked of all the cats. Its side pattern consists of some 6 large, narrow, brown blotches, edged in black, and pale areas separating the blotches. On their undersides are pale with few spots. They have long canines for shredding meat. The snout is rather broad , the head is quite narrow, and the pupils yellow. They prefer to live deep in the forest away from human settlements. They are found in Nepal and Sikkim to southern China, Hainan and Formosa and South to Sumatra, the Malay states and Borneo's montane forests.
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
They spend the daylight hours sleeping in trees, while during night time they spend their time hunting by stalking their prey from the ground or the trees. Not much else is known of their social organization. The only time they are not solitary is during mating season. The pregnancy last for 90 days, the mother then gives birth to a litter of 2 to 4 cubs, the cubs are usually born in a hollow tree. The cubs eyes open after 10 to 12 days, and they are active after about 5 weeks.
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
The exact population of the Clouded Leopard is not known, the population is thought to be declining because of the number of pelts available on the black market and that the number of Leopard sittings people that live close to where the Leopards are usually found.
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
The Clouded Leopard is currently endangered. It is endangered because its habitat is being destroyed through logging advance of the human population, poaching for its pelt, and hunting because it kills livestock.
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
clouded leopards pictures photos leopards huntings
Common Name: Clouded Leopard (a.k.a. Mint Leopard, Tree Tiger)
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata (Vertebrata)
Class: Mammalia
Order: Carnivora
Family: Felidae
Genus: Pantherinae Neofelis
Species: nebulosa
Misc.: This species, like the snow leopard, is one of those that is somewhere between the small cats and the great cats in that it can’t purr like the small cats and it can’t roar like the true great cats.
The tree climbing talents of the clouded rival that of the Margay, running down trees head-first and climbing branches horizontally with its back towards the ground, and even hangs upside down by its hind legs. They are also quite adept at swimming and readily take to water. The clouded leopard is most associated with primary evergreen tropical rainforests, but sightings have made in secondary and logged forests as well as grassland and scrub and mangrove swamps. It has been recorded at elevations of as high as 3000 meters

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leopards pictures and wallpapers world beautifull and dengerous leopards photos
leopards pictures and wallpapers world beautifull and dengerous leopards photos
leopards pictures and wallpapers world beautifull and dengerous leopards photos
leopards pictures and wallpapers world beautifull and dengerous leopards photos
leopards pictures and wallpapers world beautifull and dengerous leopards photos
leopards pictures and wallpapers world beautifull and dengerous leopards photos
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Wednesday, December 22, 2010

big anaconda pictures and wallpapers

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black tiger snake pictures

They have to be dark in colour due to the extreme cold that they must tolerate throughout most of the year in Tasmania. Being black allows the Black Tiger Snake to absorb heat more readily—a necessity for any reptile living in such unbearably cold environments. It also means that they are absolutely spectacular to see and even tougher to spot in the scrub.A Black Tiger Snake’s diet consists of frogs, small mammals, lizards and other snakes. On small offshore islands where Shearwater (seabird) colonies exist, adult Black Tiger Snakes will seasonally gorge feed on chicks to build fat reserves for the rest of the year.

black tiger snakes pictures & wallpapers and images

black tiger snake pictures & wallpapers and images

Adults killing large prey do not even need to complete a bite in order to inject venom, this being injected by momentary muscular pressure on the venom gland as the fangs penetrate in an open-mouthed jab-bite. The ungripped prey is allowed to pull away and attempt an escape. After a short delay, the Black Tiger Snake will follow the scent of the prey towards its cover or retreat, which it rarely reaches before succumbing to the venom.
black tiger snake pictures & wallpapers and images
black tiger snake pictures & wallpapers and images
black tiger snake pictures & wallpapers and images
black tiger snake pictures & wallpapers and images

Their sensitive forked tongue helps this snake to detect which underground burrows contain a food source.
The Black Tiger Snake is only found on the island of Tasmania. This species of snake inhabits dense woodland, heathy shrub land and dense tussock grassland, often around waterways and swamps.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

read eye tree frogs pictures

Red-eyed tree frogs, despite their conspicuous coloration, are not venomous. They are found in tropical lowlands from southern Mexico, throughout Central America, and in northern South America. Nocturnal carnivores, they hide in the rain forest canopy and ambush crickets, flies, and moths with their long, sticky tongues.
When disturbed, they flash their bulging red eyes and reveal their huge, webbed orange feet and bright blue-and-yellow flanks. This technique, called startle coloration, may give a bird or snake pause, offering a precious instant for the frog to spring to safety.
Their neon-green bodies may play a similar role in thwarting predators. Many of the animals that eat red-eyed tree frogs are nocturnal hunters that use keen eyesight to find prey.

read eye tree frogs pictures

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read eye tree frogs pics
some pics of read eye tree frogs
beautifull and smart frogs

lake frogs images

Mink Frogs are very timid. Some careful sneaking is required to get close to one. Usually all you see is the water surface breaking in a number of places as they skid off vegetation and hide underneath. The best time to watch them is at night, because they tend to stay still while a flashlight beam is on them.
When a number of frogs are vocal it sounds like a couple of carpenters nailing shingles on a house somewhere in the distance. Females produce about 1,000 eggs each year.
Mink Frogs eat a variety of land and water creatures, particularly ants, beetles, bugs, moth larvae, spiders and flies
Their preferred habitat is quiet waters with lots of plants like lily pads and pickerel weed.
The height of the breeding season is in July. Males take their place at suitable spawning sites among the surface vegetation and begin calling a mate.

some pics of lake frog

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lake frogs sexing in the water